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Every emerging filmmaker has a desire that his/her work is being admired and appreciated by the audience. They best way to showcase their work to a large number of audiences is being nominated in a film festival or launch their premiere in a film festival. Since they are new in the industry, they need to know the festivals where they can easily make an entry without going out of the budget and will also get appreciation.

Here is a list of few of the film festivals which are quite popular and take no entry fees.

Minute Festival, Brazil

Free Theme, Animation. One Minute Festival was founded in 1991 and has propelled the reproducing of more than 50 “one-minute festivals” all around the globe. Since 2007, the Festival has turned out to be permanent and online. The Festival launches themes and monthly compensates the best works. All the videos are assessed by a group of curators.

Fonlad, Portugal

The Festival is open to all the national and international artists working at the level of digital arts and new technologies.

Jewish Film Festival Berlin June 05-19, 2017

The Jewish Film Festival Berlin and Brandenburg has been the biggest forum for Jewish and Israeli silver screen in Germany for over two decades, making it the most seasoned and most essential social event of its kind and an imperative piece of the different Jewish existence of Berlin and Brandenburg.

Uppsala International Short Film Festival Oct 23-29, 2017

They are now taking entries for the International Competition and the Children’s Film Festival at the 36th. Short movies of all types with a running time of close to 40 minutes are acknowledged for thought. To be entered, movies must have the creation year 2016 or 2017.

Giffoni Film Festival, Italy July 14-22, 2017

For more than 47 years the Festival has been the perfect place show silver screen creations bound for children and youngsters. It is the up notch space for a vivacious showdown between moviemakers, producers and distributors and also provides a bridge between the segment’s generation universe and its intended interest group. The Festival additionally means to advance the information and dissemination of results of high masterful esteem, equipped for adding to the arrangement and social development of basic inner voice in youngsters.

Josiah Media Festival Oct 7-8, 2017

The Josiah Media Festival is open for any filmmaker who is 21 years of age or younger across the world. However, filmmakers over 21 can also enter their films because any film(s) made while the movie producer was 21 or younger is as yet qualified for rivalry and prizes!

Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival, Budapest, Nov 7-12, 2017

Verzio intends to promote an open society, democratic values, rule-of-law, opportunity of expression, political and social pluralism and also to uncover manhandle and human rights infringement all through the world by showing quality, imaginative documentaries. For the last 13 years, Verzio developed progressively, has screened more than 700 documentaries drawing in out and out more than 80,000 guests. There are three classifications: International Panorama, Student Film Competition and Hungarian Panorama. Worldwide Panorama is a choice of effective and imaginative documentaries on human rights and social issues. For students there is a ZOOM IN film competition to choose the best recent understudy/recognition movies tending to human rights issues. Hungarian Panorama is a choice of best recent human rights documentaries delivered in Hungary.

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